Practical Access Podcast

S5 E1: Welcome to Season 5

Season 5 Episode 1

Drs. Rebecca Hines and Lisa Dieker are starting Season Five with light-hearted summer readings.  Please tune in to today's episode as we kick off with our first episode to discuss the first article.

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Link to Article:
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Season 5; Episode 1 

Lisa Dieker 00:01
Welcome to practical access I'm Lisa Dieker.

Rebecca Hines 00:04
And I'm Rebecca Hines and Lisa I'm looking forward to this new season for the summer and, in part because we're both, we're both a little nerdy and like like to read, but, but I will tell our listeners that you are the most nerdy of all, so.

Lisa Dieker 00:23
My father was a librarian, I have every right to be nerdy. I know the Dewey decimal system, do you?

Rebecca Hines 00:32
Well, I did. At least back when it was a thing. So this season, we will be featuring different readings, but I'm really trying to reel her in and keep us with some short practical things but I'm looking forward to our first article of the summer it's light and breezy I think. Lisa, what are we reading?

Lisa Dieker 00:56
Well, so I'm reading something from a new journal, I know that shocks you but you'll like this journal it's from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and it's their new journal called mathematics learning and teaching because it's all about really great articles about teaching for teachers and practical. But I picked one that is not only not nerdy, but I think it's one that families, parents, teachers, and actually just siblings could be using in the household over the summer and I love this. She is a teacher talks about, her name is Elizabeth Cunningham, and she says, oh I'm sorry she's a future mathematics teacher at the University of Michigan Flint and she talks about infusing the day with mathematical moments. So with that title in mind anything comes to your mind Becky if I say mathematical moments? Because I know you have this daughter that's been doing amazing in softball I bet there are several mathematical movements in your world right now.

Rebecca Hines 01:54
Well, I'm you know what the, the only thing I've been best at in math has always been being able to see how it applies to almost everything, and in fact, I often did have students learn to keep official scorebooks in stats and follow all of those things, as you know, just everyday mathematical moments as a teacher. And even you know, certainly infused in our lives as sports family lots of mathematical moments, but what about, what about the article Lisa what kind of things are in the article?

Lisa Dieker 02:26
Yeah, she does a great job of talking about, you know when you're reading books like what page will come next after page 20. Have you ever thought about, I love the example she gives where she writes a number on the board every day, but never tells the kid it's the month the day in the year, and so I love the fact that she makes it very organic that it's about discussion and yet kids write things down. And I wonder about that how many times kids write down or swipe a credit card or write down a number or talk to somebody about you know I want more of something or less than something. I often think sometimes we shy away from the world of math and that's why I kind of want to kick this one off with this article because I don't think math is any different than literacy, but we tend to think we have to do math whereas literacy discussions happen all that you're driving in the car oh, did you see you know the big blue van next to us versus did you see four cars passed us. Like those are the kinds of mathematical moments I think we're talking about. You know Becky it's funny because I just talked to a neighbor and my own son. This neighbor has you know some struggles with math and she said, you know I don't I don't know if I can do freshman algebra and I said there's lots of choices in math you know my son took sports statistics for math and she ended up taking the philosophical approach to mathematical thinking in your life and she said I learned like how to buy a house and get a mortgage. So I think we've really opened up that thinking as a culture, yet I'm not so sure we always open it up in the home and in the classroom and so again I just thought it was a fun thing to think about.

Rebecca Hines 03:51
It was a fun, it was a fun light article, and Lisa I think you're going to put the citation for our listeners so it's, it's a fun very light article to just get you thinking about this idea and I was most happy to see the word joy in her article because he very rarely read anything about math and joyfulness so I think it's a good summer kickoff in thinking about how can we make all of our subject areas more joyful and this article certainly seems like a good starting place.

Lisa Dieker 04:25
Yeah, and I'll just kind of end this short little kickoff segment here with you know again if you can't get access to this article, because we realized that it's one that you have to be a member we also have a great site called OF W Money, OF W Money, and we'll put the link out on the podcast too. But I love this article she's a blogger in finance so she has 15 years of using mathematics in daily life and she talks about you know when you're traveling how to use math and she's got some great fun little YouTube videos. How to use it when you're cooking, I mean cooking goodness, halves, fourths, eighths, but not only that do you want more sugar or less sugar, do you like more salt or less salt on your potatoes and I think we often again forget that. Um, she talks a lot about gardening I do not have that skill set because I tend to drown plants, but maybe I need to watch that. But even in the arts and banking, you know, I don't think we go to the bank anymore, but you do stick a card in the machine all the time and saying look that took less than $20 out that was $19 and18 cents so. Again, you know when you go to a party having kids count, again she just does a great job, so again if you're looking for something as teachers or as parents I just think we've got to stop making math formal and scary and make it fun and joyful.

Rebecca Hines 05:41
And I think this is, this is a good time to get back to that again if you're a parent of a child of any age or ability it's a good chance to just start you know, raising our own awareness of math around us and making it feel better so that kids are ready and receptive when they get to school in the fall whether it's your students or your own children. And I will just, um, my closing thought is it does not surprise me that my dear friend Lisa Dieker, overachiever that she is, drowns plants because I am sure you feel the need to tend to them more than necessary. 

Lisa Dieker 06:21
Not normally I normally ignore them until they drowned or they dry out, but I do have to say, my dear grandma, rest in peace, had the greenest thumb ever and I just didn't get it, so mathematically I understand what I should do, but for some reason, it just doesn't work for me. So we thank you for joining us for this more lighthearted summer reading session of practical access and please send us any questions you might have on our Facebook, or you also can still ask us questions of practice on our Google Phone at (407) 900-9305.